Noordzee drones

European school & leader in drone training

Expert training with practice

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EU Drone Certificate
Open A1, A2 &A3

Moderate and high risk

Basic training with practice

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EU Drone Certificate
Open A1, A2 & A3

Low risk

What does Noordzee Drones do?

Noordzee Drones provides the best drone trainings for people from all over Europe,
with a team of highly experienced instructors and teachers.
Welcome to our kingdom for drone pilots!

What our customers say

We were trusted by, among others:

Gratis ONLINE drone infoavond

03/10/2024 van 19u30 tot 20u30

Interesse? Nog geen cursist?

  • Wat doen met een drone
  • Waar vliegen
  • Risico’s
  • Soorten opleidingen
  • Vragen over EU wetgeving

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