Thermography basic – IRIS thremovision


A specialization module is best followed in combination with a PRO XL module (or if you already have proof of Specific).

*Click on ‘REGISTER’ to see the dates of the training


Your first steps into the world of thermography? That’s OK, this session is basic thermography.

Thermography is the imaging of heat using a thermal imaging camera. It makes the invisible infrared radiation visible and thus exposes hidden abnormalities and defects in buildings and installations: in industry, construction and electrical installations, but its’s also useful in Search & Rescue, or safety applications.

Noordzee Drones organizes, together with its partner IRIS Thermovision, a one-day theoretical training during which we explain to the students the basics of infrared radiation and its interpretation. They learn to make a good image considering the environmental factors, common pitfalls are demonstrated and based on the standards we learn how to inspect and report.

If you really like thermography, you can also register for the LEVEL 1 in IRIS via us.

Why should you take this course?

Without a properly adjusted camera and knowledge of the behavior of infrared radiation, a thermal image often raises more questions than it answers them. Thanks to this course, you will avoid the most common mistakes and you will be able to answer your client’s questions correctly. You will avoid misinterpretations and therefore wrong advice – with all the possible consequences.

Skills: this course covers the following safety skills. The students who follow it in combination with a PRO XL module can take the corresponding assessments (exams) (first attempt included in the price):

  • Theoretical training modules:
    • Flight close to objects and buildings
  • Practical training modules Multirotor:
    • Flight close to objects and buildings

Benefits of Thermography

  1. Thermal image says more than numbers or words.
  2. Image with total overview that is comparable.
  3. Contactless, measurement is possible even from a large distance.
  4. Immediately deployable and images directly available.
  5. Real-time, up to 100 images per second.
  6. Low costs.

Target audience

Aerial researchers, drone pilots, scientists, farmers, photogrammetry experts, inspections, public safety, R&D, archaeologists, cartographers, engineers, defense, nature experts, real estate, construction and building, energy producers, historic preservation, mappers, cultural heritage, etc…

Training content

During this one-day, hands-on course you will learn:
  • what infrared radiation is and how it behaves.
  • what applications exist and what you can and cannot do with the camera.
  • what type of camera you need for a specific application.
  • how to set up the camera for measuring temperatures.
  • how to make a good thermal image, considering the measurement conditions.
  • how to avoid the most common mistakes.
  • how to analyze and report the results.


Teaching type

In classroom with instructor




3 days from 9am till 5.30pm each


Hans Godding of Iris Thermovision – level 3 certified thermographer

Prior knowledge


  • A specialization module is best followed in combination with a PRO XL module (or if you already have proof of Specific). Om de corresponderende veiligheidsvaardigheden assessments te doen, moet je een licentie Specific hebben (je kan ook de assessments combineren met je Specific examen indien gewenst)
  • Good knowledge of the language
  • Good mood
  • True airmanship (discipline, skills, safety)


DROONHAAVN, Kotterstraat 99, 8380 Zeebrugge


Sandwich lunch, coffee, tea and water are included.


Writing material and handouts are included.

Number of persons

Minimum 8 & maximum 10 students
De cursus zal plaats vinden als er minimum 8 cursisten ingeschreven zijn. You will be notified of this at the latest 2 days before the training.

Proof of attendance

After the training, you will always receive a personalized proof of attendance of the training followed. *

After the successful completion of the theoretical and practical assessment (exam), the student, who follows the specialization in combination with a PRO (XL) module, receives certificates of successful assessments for the corresponding safety skills

Learning goals

After completing this course, the participant should have sufficient info on the use of a thermographic camera and interpretation of the measurement results.


It is not necessary to have your own IR camera. To get the most out of the course, it is desirable that you bring your own IR camera if you have one. We also take our own IR cameras with us and you can always watch the course with another student.


The price is 1200 euro (excluding VAT). Komt op 840 euro (exclusief BTW) met 30% subsidie via KMO-portefeuille.

*De proof of attendance is geenszins een officieel document, maar is een bewijs van de gevolgde opleiding bij Noordzee Drones.


KMO Dienstverlener

KMO’s die in aanmerking komen, kunnen tot 30% subsidie genieten via Agentschap Ondernemen. Noordzee Drones nummer: DV.O217213. Meer informatie.

Groepskorting KMO

Vanaf 5 inschrijvingen: 10% korting op de standaardprijs per persoon. Vanaf 10 inschrijvingen:  20% korting op de standaardprijs per persoon.

Recognized Entity & Designated Entity

We are recognized by EASA and comply with the directives and standards. We are audited on a yearly basis to verify this recognition.

Click here for more info

Quality education

We score the highest level of satisfaction as an audited SME service provider, Qfor and WSE quality label. Our high-quality standards during training result in a high success rate among our thousands of trainees. Via the evaluation forms, we receive the highest satisfaction score.


The course is very comprehensive and complete in every way. We will prepare you for all the subjects with the best follow-up. Also, there are sample exams to help you prepare better.

Experienced instructors

All training courses are developed by a team of experts and taught by experienced teachers/instructors with specialist knowledge. Our instructors meet 'teach & learn' standards and have many years of experience in the aviation industry.

Gratis ONLINE drone infoavond

06/08/2024 van 19u30 tot 20u30

Interesse? Nog geen cursist?

  • Wat doen met een drone
  • Waar vliegen
  • Risico’s
  • Soorten opleidingen
  • Vragen over EU wetgeving

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